uploads/reference mark.jpg

reference mark 參照符號;【建筑】參考標記。

reference point

In astronomical coordinates ( reference mark is north latitude 43 . 9 ) , analyzed is the effect of azimuth angular velocity , acceleration and altitude angular velocity , acceleration etc . some formulae were given to compute all correlative quantities . with regard to the course of data processing beforehand , the thesis focuses on outliers eliminating technology because of outlier increasing acutely of high - elevation tracking ( approaches 10 - 20 % ) 在觀測坐標系中推導出確定天頂盲區理論范圍公式和滿足過天項跟蹤條件的關系式;在天文坐標系中以長春衛星觀測站(北緯43 . 9 )作為計算基準,分別討論了方位、俯仰方向的角速度、角加速度等對天頂盲區的影響,在理論分析上為解決過天頂跟蹤問題打下了基礎。

In printing , a character set of given size , style and face . the set will contain lower case , capitals , small c apitals , numerals , ligatures , punctuation marks , reference marks , signs and spaces 印刷技術中一種給定尺寸、字形的字符集。該字符集包括小寫、大寫、小型大寫字母、數字、連字、標點符號、參考標記、符號和空格。

The graduated 200 < mu > l tips have a reference mark at 10 < mu > l so you can check pipettor calibration and visually estimate sample size 200微升刻度的吸頭,在10微升處有基準標記,可檢查移液器刻度和估計樣本容量。

A mark ( ? ) used to indicate where a new paragraph should begin or to serve as a reference mark 段落號,節號,參照符號:一種用于標明新的段落開始的地方或用作備注符號的記號(